Frets - Stainless
These were bought at
I decided to go with the stainless frets, to get some higher quality on them. They were double the price, so I hope that they are worth it.
Item nummer: 0898-005
These are the sizes of the frets that I ordered if you are wondering, I tried to go after what I have on my acoustic balalajka.
This picture has been published with the clearance of
I first ordered 4ft, but this was not enough. (The price was 80 SEK per 2ft.) The result was that I had to wait a couple of days extra and pay for the extra shipping.
Order 1: 160 SEK (no shipping as I ordered together with the fretboard)
Order 2: 70 SEK (shipping = 30 SEK)
Total cost: 230 SEK